lavender fields

sunny window


Easter Gift Ideas


Springtime is just around the corner and if you celebrate Easter, then you know it’s coming early this year – March 27th! Here are a few gift suggestions that are sure to have the lucky recipients smiling:

For an out-of-the-ordinary Easter basket:

Special gifts for the hostess or host:

Wait a minute - artichoke? What does that have to do with Easter? Well, I always associate artichokes with Easter because my Grandma Scaramella would make them for the holiday, dozens of them at a time, steamed with olive oil, lemon and garlic. Even after all these years, her delicious artichokes say Easter to me.  And it just so happens that pure beeswax candles make excellent gifts – so I guess you could say that I’m carrying on a tradition of sorts.  Best wishes to all of you who celebrate Easter, and if you’re lucky enough to celebrate with your grandmother, all the better!
