lavender fields

sunny window


Lavender Spa Heat Wrap


For a spa experience at home, this soothing, fragrant heat wrap works anywhere you need it - neck, back, shoulders — or even across the tummy or knees. Makes a great gift. Filled with lavender and flax seed.  Cover is removable and washable.  Comes with instruction card.  Made in USA.

  • Weight: 2.5 oz.
  • Dimensions: 9" w x 26" l
  • Quilted interior filled with lavender and flaxseed. Cover removable and washable.

    DO NOT OVERHEAT. Warm in microwave in 30-second to 1-minute increments until wrap reashes desired temperature.

    May also be chilled in fridge or freezer if desired.

  • By Sonoma Lavender