lavender fields

sunny window


Lavender Medium Pillow - Bold Butterfly


This fragrant handmade pillow is filled with about half a pound of the finest French lavender. The bold butterfly pattern, in lavender, green and white, makes a lively accent for a bed, guest bed, or favorite chair. Give it a squeeze now and then to release more of the scent. Breathe deeply and enjoy!

Handmade by Sunny Window. Please note, we make each pillow to order and so they may take a couple of extra days to ship. As always, we have many more pillows available than are shown online. If you would like to see those options, just call or send us an email and we will send you photos. Custom pillows also available. 

  • Weight: 9 oz.
  • Dimensions: 10" w x 5" h x 3" d
  • Handmade by Sunny Window, and so all dimensions and weights are approximate. Spot clean.

    Fabric: cotton

    For a custom pillow order, please call or email us at the studio.

  • By Sunny Window