May 24-25, 2025 | Sat 9-5, Sun 9-4
Cummington Fairgrounds
97 Fairgrounds Road,
Cummington, MA
We had such a good time last year at this utterly charming event, we can't wait to return. This classic New England country fair includes sheep, lambs, and other furry friends, a petting barn, fleece and wool craft competitions, classes and workshops, sheepdog demonstrations, and children's activities. There are artisans and vendors of all kinds, plus food and beverage vendors, too. You'll find us in the craft barn, with the lavender fragrance wafting in all directions!
Lavender is a perfect companion to wool and woolens, with its naturally moth-repellent properties. If you'd like us to bring along something in particular for you, please call, text, or send an email before Thursday, May 22.
For complete information, please visit the fair web site at masheepwool.org. Hope to see you there!