lavender fields

sunny window


Lavender Lemon Shortbread

A customer favorite!

Lavender Lemon Shortbread is a delicious treat any time of year.   Easy to make, and excellent with your favorite tea  or lemonade.


1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature

¾ cup sugar (regular granulated)

¼ cup lavender sugar (see our post on how to make lavender sugar)

2 teaspoons grated lemon zest

¼ teaspoon salt

3 cups cake flour

Preheat oven to 325 F.  Beat butter, sugars and lemon zest with an electric mixer until just blended – do not over-beat.  Stir in flour and salt, beating just until blended.  Press dough firmly into a 10-inch pie plate.  Score the dough into wedges, and then bake until golden brown, about 25-35 minutes.  Cool for several minutes, and then cut the wedges again.  Let shortbread cool completely before removing from pan.   Enjoy!


Recipe courtesy of Betsy Golon of Common Folk Farm Herbs in Maine.